The GHFutures2030 Commission was invited to present the recommendations and findings of the report to the DCCC members. The Commission’s recommendations set out a roadmap for all public and private stakeholders to contribute to a trusted governance architecture that will support sustainable health futures for all. The private sector, which is often more agile in adapting to the pace of digital innovations, plays a large role in influencing the direction of governing digital transformations.
In this DCCC Call, participants had the opportunity to hear key findings and insights from the Commission’s report and discuss the potential roles of private sector actors in implementing the Commission’s recommendations. Aferdita Bytyqi, Senior Coordinator, and co-chair Anurag Agrawal, presented key findings and insights from the Commission’s work. Regional Youth Champion, Brian Li Han Wong, shared insights from the central role that young people played in development of the Commission’s report. The discussion was moderated by Nancy Kasvosve, from DCCC member Philips, who touched upon what DCCC can do to help move the commission’s recommendations forward.