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About the Commission

The world is experiencing a rapid and cumulative rate of change. Digital and data tools are fundamentally changing approaches to health and the design of health systems, but governance models have not followed the pace of innovation.

For the first time, a joint The Lancet and Financial Times Commission on Governing health futures 2030: Growing up in a digital world is exploring the convergence of digital health, artificial intelligence (AI), and other frontier technologies with universal health coverage (UHC) to support attainment of the third Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). In particular, this Commission will:

Strive for integrated digital development that improves the health and wellbeing of children and young people in an ever more digital world.

Examine existing policies for digital health, AI, and UHC to identify those with the greatest potential to improve health and wellbeing, maximise health equity in resource-poor settings, and ensure human rights.

Deliver a clear set of recommendations on the governance of digital health, AI, and UHC, taking into account geopolitical, economic, and social factors.

How the Commission works

In a world in which individual data is becoming one of the most valuable resources on the planet, the Commission will support the dialogue with a broad range of stakeholders on ethical guidelines, governance approaches, institutional responsibilities, and standards that need to be considered in relation to health, human rights, and public goods.

Between October 2019 and December 2021, the Lancet and Financial Times Commission will:


Bring together independent Commissioners from a range of sectors, disciplines, and backgrounds for four in-person meetings in order to develop the report. Between meetings, Commissioners will divide into working groups to dive into topic areas. Meet our Co-chairs and Commissioners.


Cooperate with Partners to support inclusive dialogues with key stakeholders, including private sector and youth organisations. Meet our Partners.


Support digital conversations with youth in order to take their voices into account.


Network across international and UN organisations to establish links with other digital health and AI initiatives, making full use of global, regional, and national events to debate and present the Commission’s findings.

Three working groups

Following the first Commission Meeting in October 2019, three working groups were formed to investigate issues, collate evidence, consider potential future scenarios, and identify areas that require governance responses at different levels. All groups took the needs and concerns of children and youth into account.


Data and paradigms: Explored how the data-driven world of digital technologies and AI will create new paradigms and health ecosystems.


Readiness and agency: Considered the ways in which digital ecosystems are developing, the key actors within the ecosystems, and equity implications of different scenarios.


Governance and stewardship: Looked at how digital health ecosystems can be governed responsibly to ensure health benefits and empowerment.
